Saturday, December 8, 2012

  Worshiping as one

  Worshiping as one! No segregationists-no liberals; they would not have known how to interpret themeaning of those words.
  "In the past, yes, I have made sweeping indictments of all white people. I never will be guilty of thatagain-as I know now that some white people are truly sincere, that some truly are capable of beingbrotherly toward a black man. The true Islam has shown me that a blanket indictment of all whitepeople is as wrong as when whites make blanket indictments against blacks.
  "Yes, I have been convinced that _some_ American whites do want to help cure the rampant racismwhich is on the path to _destroying_ this country!
   "It was in the Holy World that my attitude was changed, by what I experienced there, and by what Iwitnessed there,replica gucci bags, in terms of brotherhood-not just brotherhood toward me, but brotherhood betweenall men, of all nationalities and complexions, who were there. And now that I am back in America, myattitude here concerning white people has to be governed by what my black brothers and I experiencehere, and what we witness here-in terms of brotherhood. The _problem_ here in America is that wemeet such a small minority of individual so-called 'good,' or 'brotherly' white people. Here in theUnited States, notwithstanding those few 'good' white people, it is the _collective_ 150 million whitepeople whom the _collective_ 22 million black people have to deal with!
  "Why, here in America,replica montblanc pens, the seeds of racism are so deeply rooted in the white people collectively, theirbelief that they are 'superior' in some way is so deeply rooted,Moncler outlet online store, that these things are in the nationalwhite subconsciousness. Many whites are even actually unaware of their own racism, until they facesome test,cheap foamposites, and then their racism emerges in one form or another.
  "Listen! The white man's racism toward the black man here in America is what has got him in suchtrouble all over this world, with other non-white peoples. The white man can't separate himself fromthe stigma that he automatically feels about anyone, no matter who, who is not his color. And the nonwhite peoples of the world are sick of the condescending white man! That's why you've got all of thistrouble in places like Viet Nam. Or right here in the Western Hemisphere-probably 100 million peopleof African descent are divided against each other, taught by the white man to hate and to mistrusteach other. In the West Indies, Cuba, Brazil, Venezuela, all of South America, Central America! All ofthose lands are full of people with African blood! On the African continent, even, the white man hasmaneuvered to divide the black African from the brown Arab, to divide the so-called 'ChristianAfrican' from the Muslim African. Can you imagine what can happen, what would certainly happen,if all of these African-heritage peoples ever _realize_ their blood bonds, if they ever realize they allhave a common goal-if they ever _unite_?"The press was glad to get rid of me that day. I believe that the black brothers whom I had just recentlyleft in Africa would have felt that I did the subject justice. Nearly through the night, my telephone athome kept ringing. My black brothers and sisters around New York and in some other cities werecalling to congratulate me on what they had heard on the radio and television news broadcasts, andpeople, mostly white, were wanting to know if I would speak here or there.

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